Though the lineup of players may have changed through more than22 FUCKIN' YEARS (!!!)and countless shows, the resolve remains the same: "R.N.R.A.D.Y." an acronym for their collective mantra, "Rock n Roll Ain't Dead Yet". A fiery hybrid of punk rock, metal, surf and hillbilly performed with such fervor that it will surely have many a passer-by nodding slowly in agreement.A power trio led by Elvirus (or, "Elvirus H. Christ666" or EHC666 for short as he is ordained in The Fellowship) is one part wreckloose and one part wild card and delivers hiccupy vocal hellfire while slinging an over-driven Gretsch guitar. Matt "Saint Backdraft" Bartlett, Esquire, a full time fire-fighter in New Hampshire, who has, as of May 2021, obtained his law degree (hence the 'Esquire') slaps a home made upright comprised of a human skeleton. The rhythmic slapping and thunderous low end of "Rigormort-bass" is a sight -and sound- to be experienced. The backbone to the rhythm section is heralded by tequilla sippin', punk rockin', syncopatin' drum phenom, Mark Thompson, aka "Saint Merk of Diabetia". Together, this....this amalgam of gritty music-and it's respective performers- truly embodies it's own mantra...Rock n roll AIN'T dead yet...but if it WERE, it'd be kicking and screaming on it's way into the casket.